Things couldn't be going better right now! Yesterday we had a Super Bowl Party with some friends and family. We love hosting parties and bringing everyone together. I had cousins from each side of the family over at the same time for the first time in my adult life. During the last year we finally reunited with my dad's side of the family. This time we are keeping in contact and doing things together and I am loving it! Just a couple weeks ago we went to see my cousin's band play, they were down from San Francisco for a few shows. Even grandma came out for that one.
I love how easy facebook makes communicating with friends and family. And I love that the communication can happen at any time of the day. Now there is no reason for us to lose contact ever again. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family.
My life just got a little busier, but I wouldn't want it any other way. I have decided to go full force with my Mary Kay business. I have been in business since August of 2008 and have just been doing little orders for customers here and there and now I have found myself wanting more! The foundation of the Mary Kay Company was built on faith first, family second and career third. I cannot tell you how many times that I had to call out to work because one of my kids was sick and the guilt trip the boss would lay on me...ugh it made me feel like crap, like I had to choose. I don't miss that at all! I feel so blessed for the Post 911 GI bill which pays my housing allowance while I am attending school, without it I would still have been stuck at that same old job. Now I can focus on school without the stress of that job over my head.
Speaking of school tomorrow night marks week 4/5 of my final math class, woooohooooo!!! Algebra has been a little like torture for me, at one point I cried from the frustration. It is getting a little more tolerable as I have had some help from a very accomodating classmate, thank you Justin!!
This pregnancy is going good. I have made two trips to L&D already. It seems that some things are happening earlier in this pregnancy than my last. The braxton hicks started last week, and from what I remember they hadn't started until I was over 30 weeks in my previous pregnancies. And then of course the lovely leaking fluid. But when it all comes down to it I would much rather be told that I am peeing on myself than having a leaking bag of waters. For the first time it was actually explained to me why it happens. The nurse said that the amount of progesterone that is produced during pregnancy tends to relax the muscles in the urinary system resulting in the leaky urine. Both trips ended up good, I couldn't ask for more. I have always been one to err on the side of caution. So those two things are out of the way and she moves like crazy so I have not a thing to worry about.
Mike, one of the baby's daddies has picked out the colors for the nursery and has gotten quite a few things for her room already. He has invited me to come take a look once it is all done, so exciting!!!
The other day I was asked the question "How do you carry a baby for nine months and then hand it over to someone else?" I hadn't given it a whole lot of thought until the question was presented to me. First off, babies born to a gestational surrogate have no genetic link, secondly I have no desire to have any more children at this time in my life, and lastly I noticed that there is no attachment to the surrogate babies I have had in my belly. Don't get me wrong, each of them will always have a special place in my heart, but I think there is something about preparing for your own little one to be born versus getting excited watching someone else prepare for the little one you are carrying. Hopefully that made sense to someone other than me.
In Saturday's mail I got pictures of my five year old surro son, Cole. As I was putting his pictures on the wall, I felt so proud that I had helped bring him into this world. I love to share his pictures with family and friends who come over, especially the ones that stood by my side as I went through that journey. They are almost just as excited as I am to watch him grow.
Once little Miss Shia Leighton is born I will be starting a precious moments princess train for her and build on it each birthday. I had started one for Cole, but not a princess one, his is a precious moments animal train. It is my way of acknowledging his birth and I guess it is also my way for him remembering me. There are some people who don't like the idea of surrogacy and some who treat me as if I am the greastest woman on the planet. I try not to care too much about what others think of me either way, so in the end it all kinda balances out. I am just so glad that I have had this opportunity to be a part of making two couples dreams of having a family a reality.
Well it is bedtime in the Alcala home and time for me to tuck my littles in bed.